- Perlite [2011-03-26]
- Humic acid [2011-03-26]
- Vermiculite [2011-03-26]
- Garnet [2011-03-26]
- marble [2011-03-26]
Perlite is a volcanic eruption of acidic lava, formed by rapid cooling of the vitrified rock, because of their pearl, named after the fracture. Perlit>>more
Humic acid is a molecule widely present in nature, organic material, widely used in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, oil, chemicals, building >>more
Vermiculite is a natural, non-toxic mineral, expands under high temperature minerals. It is a relatively rare mineral, is Portland. The crystal struct>>more
Garnet is a gem, the English name for the garnet Garnet, from the Latin Granatum evolved, meaning as a seed. Garnet crystal and the shape of pomegrana>>more
The original meaning of marble produced in Yunnan Province, the white marble pattern with a black limestone, can form a natural section ink painting, >>more