Garnet with similar stones, the difference between synthetic garnet. Similar color with a variety of garnet gemstones, including ruby, sapphire, synthetic corundum, topaz, emerald, jadeite, etc., are non-homogeneous body, polarized light microscope can be distinguished. In density, inclusion, refractive index, dispersion degree, fluorescence and other aspects can be distinguished. Garnet and synthetic green garnet is the main difference between the internal inclusions and density. Green synthesis of gadolinium gallium garnet, yttrium aluminum garnet, the color uniform, flawless, occasionally a small amount of bubbles, under the red color filter. Density: gadolinium gallium garnet 7.05 g / cc, yttrium gallium garnet 4.58 grams / cubic centimeter, much higher than the natural garnet. In addition, the refractive index, dispersion, also with different features, can be different.
Garnet is one of high-grade stones, which are rare species of green stones. Rich and gaudy colors, pure, transparent purple variety is the black teeth of the best. Its high refractive index, strong luster, beautiful color variety, is a popular gem varieties. Many countries set to purple black teeth "January birthstone", a symbol of loyalty, love and virginity. Westerners think the purple teeth black magic has a life-saving; in the Middle East, purple teeth black to be elected to do the royal family token.